The H. E. Butt Foundation is pleased to host you for
A Know Your Neighbor Luncheon

Thursday, October 5, 2023
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Whitley Theological Center
Oblate School of Theology
285 Oblate Dr
San Antonio, TX 78216

Catering provided by Paloma Blanca

Mark your calendars for October 5, 11:30–2 p.m., and RSVP today to lock in your seat at the table for this year’s Know Your Neighbor Luncheon.

This year’s luncheon topic: Widening the Circle of Human Concern. Our speaker is a sought-after national leader—Ben McBride, co-founder of Empower Initiative and author of the forthcoming Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging. The book hits bookstores later this fall, but we’ll have advance copies available for all luncheon attendees.  

Earlier this year, Ben and his team led a powerful workshop for about 30 local leaders. We’re thrilled he’s agreed to come back and share his hard-won perspective on how we can better see, listen to, and hear from others—and why it is in fact urgent for us to do so, given the challenges we’re facing as a community.

You may recall from last year’s luncheon that this event is as much about the tables as it is about the speakers. We’ll assign seats, pairing you with folks you may have never met. If you’re wondering about our intent in all this, just check the name of the program: Know Your Neighbor. We believe San Antonio can only flourish if we build bridges across our economic and cultural divides. 

This event was in the past. Please check back for photos and video from the event.

Questions? Email us for additional information.


Oblate School of Theology
285 Oblate Dr
San Antonio, TX 78216