Inviting San Antonio to Examine Inequity

The Narrative Change project continues to offer experiences that explore the age-old question: “Who is my neighbor?”

Community experts like Dr. Carey Latimore share stories that move our hearts and minds into empathy and action, helping us all shift what we believe, know, and do as folks in San Antonio create relationships with each other and their neighbors across San Antonio’s ZIP codes. In Dr. Latimore’s one-hour conversation, he shared how leaders in the business and faith communities joined forces during the last century to tackle deep divisions in San Antonio. Together, they worked to desegregate downtown and took on an unfair economy rooted in racism.

Their story, he explains, is a roadmap to the city’s future—a San Antonio where every household has a chance to thrive.

Watch the full presentation

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The Answer Everyone Wants to Hear

"Are you going to have camp this summer?”

H. E. Butt Foundation Supports Kerrville Museum

"A gift of this nature seemed like an appropriate way for us to support the Butt family history and legacy in Kerrville."

Introducing Mike Maddry

Meet our new Vice President of Youth and Family Camping.

More Outdoors

San Antonio teachers join the first Outdoor School cohort and commit to bring outdoor education back to their home campuses.

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