How You Can Join Us

Architect’s initial rendering of commons area between new girls’ cabins.

We view giving as an essential part of transformation and renewal. When someone makes a contribution, we hope it is a thoughtful, prayerful, and joyful experience. Your gifts, without a doubt, help touch and change lives.

Foundation Scholarships

Through the years, the Foundation—and its friends—have provided opportunities for people to encounter God for the transformation of daily life regardless of their financial situations.

Each of our Canyon programs, through an application process, awards financial assistance based on self-reported need. Each recipient or recipient family is asked, at a minimum, to cover the required deposit for the particular retreat that is being attended (excluding H. E. Butt Foundation Camp group stipends). For Foundation Camp and Outdoor School groups, program bridge funding is also available on a limited basis to help with transportation, food, insurance, staffing, and similar expenses.

Echo Valley 2020

Echo Valley, the largest of our five camps geared to youth and families, is important for churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations that use this facility for their annual camp programming. It is also the facility used in the summer by 12- to 16-year-old boys and girls and college-age summer camp staff for a formative faith and peer relationship-building experience. Approximately 12,000 people benefit from these facilities each year.

The estimated budget for this project is $5.6 million to build twelve new cabins and a central outdoor gathering plaza, and to support outdated infrastructure. The Butt family has committed the first 10% of the total cost. Over $3 million has been secured to date.

We welcome support from individuals, foundations, and businesses. Gifts can be received in the form of cash or securities.

Subject to the contractor’s approval, in-kind construction materials or services may also be an option. Pledges may be made over a three- to four-year timeframe. We appreciate your interest in joining us as we invest in opportunities that contribute to thriving people.

We welcome your inquiries and would be happy to elaborate. Please contact the Development office at 830-315-9206 and ask to speak to the Campaign Director for Echo Valley 2020.