Who is My Neighbor? is a story series written for The Narrative Project based off of the parable of the good samaritan (Luke 10:25-37 NIV).
As a Poor Young Mom, I Wasn’t “Having Too Many Kids.” I Was Choosing Life.
Why many families get just enough financial assistance to push them over the edge.
All across San Antonio, people are springing to action amid COVID-19.
Our family makes too much money to qualify for help—but not enough to survive.
The fight against coronavirus calls for social distancing, but social media helps us meet each other’s needs.
Recapping a lunchtime conversation on hunger and poverty that we hosted in October.
If we’re not careful, we treat the people outside of our local neighborhood as something other than neighbors.
Ask this couple what pressures they’re facing day to day, and you get the most relatable reply in the world.