The H. E. Butt Foundation operates programs in three communities: San Antonio, Kerrville, and Real County.
Dr. Lyssa Ochoa serves where nobody else wants to.
Basecampus helped bring mental health resources closer to classrooms.
How four dollars more per hour changed the trajectory of a San Antonio mom's life.
UpTogether’s unique cash and community approach aims to stabilize families for good.
68% of survey respondents said supporting people living on the margins was a top priority for their faith communities.
Only 44% of survey respondents said they feel their faith communities are doing enough to help locals in need, compared to 80% in 2019.
When this SAISD student found inspiration in nature, he wanted to pass along his passion into his city.
Christina Gonzalez's story needs to be heard. And she's gotten really good at telling it.
Gardopia Gardens' model is to teach communities to be good, healthy stewards through garden-based learning. Starting with three-year-olds.
Grace Northridge Pastor Brit Carpenter has experienced first-hand, friendships across community divides.